VaporTrail is one of the top three bowstring manufacturers in the world

The Challenge

The Solution

The Advantage
The Challenge
Vapor Trail Archery was founded in 1993 by a shooter frustrated with consistency and quality of the archery equipment available. Peep sight alignment, which would vary each time at full draw, made precision shooting very difficult. Changing weather conditions also created inconsistencies. Over the course of a decade, Jarrod meticulously honed his string building skills and designed the perfect blend of materials to combat these common problems. In 2005, VTX Bowstring material was born.
The Solution
Vapor Twist Xtreme ( VTX ) strings and cables are the answer to inconsistency. After as few as three shots, your peep sight is done changing positions for good. We make this possible through our proprietary blend of synthetic materials and in-depth manufacturing processes. We also use a combination of the best serving materials on the market. Peep rotation, string creep and serving separation are no longer a factor… set it and forget it… guaranteed! All of this comes with a Lifetime Service Guarantee. Click here to view the terms of our rock solid warranty.
The Advantage
Sounds too good to be true? Just ask the professionals who have been shooting our products for years. They have helped us fine tune our strings and cables to the ultimate in performance and consistency. Imagine having consistent peep sight alignment with every single shot whether shooting in a championship round or going after the trophy of a lifetime.